Wednesday, 16 September 2015

F as in Frank

F as in Frank – 
Vintage Retro Clothing

F as in Frank is a store located in Downtown Toronto on 418 Queen Street West. The store sells vintage retro clothing from the 1980’s – 1990’s era. It specializes in hip hop and other clothing trends from back in the day. The store has deadstock vintage snapbacks, basketball jerseys, starter jackets, sunglasses, streetwear and t – shirts which are all from those two eras. The shop has both male and female clothing, so both genders have a variety of merchandise to choose from while visiting. As a customer who has often visited F as in Frank, I feel as if I am transported back to the 80’s and 90’s when entering the store which makes me feel really excited. 

The layout of the store is unique for a vintage place because it has an upstairs and that is not often seen in many retro vintage stores. The bottom floor of the store has its deadstock hats, jerseys, hoodies, t –shirts and sunglasses. The upper floor has their retro jackets, shirts and shoes. The overall outlook of the store is nice looking with clothes displayed in a different way, whereas what you would see in a regular store display. 

The stores employees are really nice and helpful, and they stay authentic to how the store is by dressing like they are from the 80’s and 90’s. The store opens around 11:00 am and closes at 8:00 pm. Therefore, during those timings customers who want to check out what vintage retro clothing the store has can come by either at their lunch break or after work and if those who are in school can come by when it finishes.  

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